
Sunday Seven 11/13/11

1. Since it's the biggest story happening recently I have to mention the Jerry Sandusky/Penn State scandal. This article mentions his recent interview on Rock Center and also has links to the grand jury report. Word of caution- it's VERY graphic. I don't know how he can feign innocence when the evidence against him is so great. In my book, there is no punishment severe enough for someone like him.

2. On a happier note...the multiple musicians at my church have written, recorded, mixed and produced their very own and very first worship album- Threads. I put in my pre-order for 2 discs. Watch the promotion video here.

3. A couple weeks ago, I spent sometime with my grandparents. My grandma still writes in cursive. I haven't written in cursive since 5th grade. I made an attempt to write the alphabet just to see if I can remember and I got stuck on the z's. I had to google this chart to practice.

Needless to say, my cursive is not this good.

4. 11/11/11. My baby niece turned 1! I can't believe how quick the year has gone since she's joined our family. Isn't she so stinking cute??

5. I've been enjoying trying out different outfits in my fall wardrobe.

6. We had our first fall snow this week. Luckily it melted almost as soon as it came.

7. Time for a little hiatus. I took today off of work and spent a lot of time resting. I'm beginning to realize that part of finding balance means realizing when I have over committed myself. I find that often I say 'yes' to a lot of things without thinking about how much time that leaves me just for 'me.' I have a very busy month ahead with training for tax time, but other than that, I'm going to make sure I leave plenty of time to enjoy the things that keep me balanced: a little writing, a little reading, exercise and spending time with my loved ones. With the holiday season upon us, I can think of no more important thing to do then to find a calm, happy place. :)

What have you been up to the past couple of weeks? How do you 'keep calm and carry on' during times of  over scheduling? 

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