Because when our colors mixed
We couldn't fix the way they wouldn't blend
It's a great song.
Also, T gave me the new Needtobreathe album- The Reckoning. So far- it's amazing. T said 'His voice is a force.' Well said, my friend.
2. Technology Overload. At one point on Wednesday, T and I had 3 different conversations going: text, email and IM.
Nic . [4:42 PM]:
we have 3 conversations going on 3 different medias...HA
epitome of the modern couple maybe?
T [4:42 PM]:
No, we're just dumb.
Nic . [4:42 PM]:
We're silly.
3. Jackdaw. Do you know this song by David Gray? I've always liked it but now its ranking up as one of my favorites. I think it's because I finally get it. The lyrics are so good. That guy can WRITE.
4. 21 days of Vegan. So I did it. 21 days of vegan. At least mostly vegan...I found out the other day I've inadvertently been taking in some dairy products. But for the most part- pretty good! It's on my life list to be a vegetarian for 6 months...I'm 3 weeks in! I'm excluding Thanksgiving, Christmas and my first trip to Zombie Burger next week.
5. Simplicity. This week in small group we had a really interesting conversation on this topic as part of our study of Ecclesiastes. There are 2 kinds of simplicity: naive simplicity and wise simplicity. In naive simplicity- everything is simple because you are simply ignoring the complexities of life. Wise simplicity is realizing that there are complexities of life, but moving beyond disillusionment and confusion to a place of wisdom. This really resonated with me. I think sometimes I can get so wrapped up in the details that I'm missing the big picture. There is really something to be said for living simply.
6. Bicycling. I've been riding my bike a lot this week. To small group, to watch the IA game, to book club. The weather has been beautiful and cool...perfect for riding. I love seeing my city from a different point of view. And someday I'm going to get one of these:
7. Friendships. Saturday morning I had breakfast with my two oldest best friends and a new friend. It was amazing to chat and laugh and eat and catch up. I'm looking forward to more meet ups.
This is my 50th post!! Looking forward to many more.
What have you been up to lately? Are you enjoying the fall weather?
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