In week 7, I broke my ankle....but still finished the challenge. I lost 9 lbs and 6% body fat.
Since that time, I've maintained my body fat percentage but gained back a couple pounds...
I've continued to go to Goals in Motion and eat small meals throughout the day, but I've gotten back into some bad habits:
- Cheese! I love it, but it doesn't love me. And anything processed is not so good for you.
- Booze....enough said
- Sweets. Sugar. Caffeine
I've been trying to focus on the GIM principles:
- High Protein
- Low Fat
- Nutrient Timing
- Eating every 2-3 hours
- Low Sugar
- Avoiding caffeine and alcohol
This time around, I'm trying to find the balance between eating healthy, but also enjoying treats occasionally.
I think finding that balance and at a weight you are happy with, is hard.
Here is a typical day of eating for me- challenge style.
Overnight Oats with Strawberries for Breakfast
Work Pack: Morning Snack- 1/3 c yogurt, frozen berries and 1/3 cup wheatfuls with 1/3 cup almond milk. Lunch- open faced turkey sandwich and grilled asparagus, side of berries. Afternoon snack- Dr Crackers with chevre and an apple. 2nd afternoon snack (before the restaurant)- 1/2 protein bar.
I also drink a LOT of water during the day. At work, I try to have 4 20 oz glasses of water.
One thing I try to remember is to eat more carb heavy food items in the morning. During challenge, I also tried to work on eating more fruits and veggies.
My fitness goals this time around is to get to 15% body fat (I'm at 17) and in the 120's. I'd like to lean and mean to run the marathon in October.
How do you balance healthy eating with treats? Do you have any fitness goals?
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