I finally have gotten around to cleaning out my inbox and I found all these noteworthy little tidbits I've been meaning to share in my Sunday 7s.
As I mentioned a couple weeks ago, I haven't been writing as much and the blog lost it's luster for awhile.
But I still have a LOT to tell you and fill you in on and I intend to that. Even if it takes me all summer. :)
In the meantime, enjoy this hodge podge of randomness I found interesting over the past couple months:
- I don't know if I've mentioned this before but the Young House Love blog is awesome. Check out this post on the very minimal amounts of personal and cleaning products they use in their house. It inspired me to do some simplifying in that area as well! I tried the Meyer's Lemon Verbena all purpose cleaner to mop my floors and fell in love. It didn't take hardly any to clean and it smells fantastic. I highly recommend if you are interested in using something natural and eco-friendly.
- I saw this article on whether vegan diets are actually healthy on twitter. The ladies over at We Like It Raw make some good points: focus on whole, unprocessed foods versus the foods you are trying to avoid. For me, that means shopping the perimeter of the store and avoiding the 'easy' vegan foods. I'm not 100% vegan these days but I still focus on a healthy, whole foods diet.
- We all know I love a good list. This post lays out 21 things you can do in just 5 minutes. I know I often feel like I don't have time to do everything I want, but if you do something for just 5 or even 10 minutes, it's amazing what you can accomplish. Some days are so busy it's good to set aside 5 minutes to just breathe too. :)
- In the past couple months, I've been doing a lot of things outside work to build my resume and get ready for my next career move (more to come on that). I found this article through LinkedIn on how to land a job as a young professional. I think it gives a lot of really good tips about how to make a good impression when hunting for that next job.
- It is no secret I LOOOOVE my Iphone. Anyone who has an Iphone loves their Iphone. That's sort of how Apple works. Anyway, this article on Siri makes me happy I do not use Siri much at all...
- This was one of the most valid arguments I have ever read about the Christian view of suffering (taken from a Relevant Magazine Deeper Walk email):
John 11:33-35 NIV
EVER SINCE THE apple incident, humanity is born into a state of sin, astate of living in opposition to God, a state of making decisions thatcan cause suffering. Remember, none of this was God's original design.He created a peaceful, perfect world. We tainted it with our desire forindependence.
I used to wrestle with the idea that God could have created a worldwhere the possibility of evil didn't exist, and thus suffering wouldnever enter the human experience—that would be a world without truefreedom. I think, perhaps, an evil greater than man's rebellion would be for a good God to withhold freedom from His creation. Suffering becomes inevitable in a world where imperfect people aren't robots. And while I don't pretend to know the answer for every evil under the sun, I doknow that God sees our suffering.
Jesus wept.
There is no suffering in which Jesus will not walk and weep withyou. There is no hurt the power of God can't bring new life to. In theproper time Jesus will make His way to your tomb, roll the stone awayand bring life to the dead. And the tears formed from mourning and doubt will flow with joy and gratitude.
- This article on the best national parks to hike in the US makes me want to plan a lot more 'outdoorsy' vacations. Girls trips anyone??
- Speaking of outdoorsy, I've also been doing a lot more bike rides lately. For you local folk, I found this great list of local bike rides to try. Do it up Iowans.
How about you? What's sparked your fancy on the interwebs recently?
I love my self some hiking! I'm in for a girls trip!! :)