This week was sort of busy...and not that exciting.
Iowa winter is officially here which means more time inside staying warm instead of out and about finding things to write about...
1. I saw these page tabs on the Franklin Covey website and I think the Alaskan theme is so appropriate to how the weather was this week!
2.This week has been cold, dreary and a little snowy. I saw this quote on our work intrawebs this week and it made me miss the warm weather and the morning walks Roxy and I were enjoying.
“A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an unhappy but otherwise healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world.” —Paul Dudley White
3. In fact, Roxy didn't get walked once this week. :( And it was her Birthday!
4. I signed back up for the gym this week. I used to belong to Aspen, but let my membership lapse after I did GIM. I've been gym shopping so I could have access to a treadmill when it's too cold. They contacted me this week for a special deal for a M/W/F/Sun membership for $20/month. Seemed like a good deal to me!!! The very next day I went there to do my training run. It was windy and 13 below thank you.
5. My friend Holly sent this to me this week.
It's really interesting (and true) I've been thinking a lot about my next career steps.
6. In fact, my 10th Anniversary at my employer was Friday. 10 years I've worked at the same place. That's longer than any relationship I've had and longer than any place I've lived at. Just got me thinking about what path I'm on and if this is what I want to do for the rest of my life. I know I've brought this up before...but I think I'm at a point to take some kind of action. More to come on that!!
7. I'm on week 3 of no drinking. And I can honestly say, at this point, I don't miss it. I haven't really been in many social settings where everyone is drinking and I'm not though (like a happy hour). I'm not worried though. When something does sound really good to me, I'll have it. But for now- I'm all good with my root beer.
*T made me this dinner of vegan chili and root beer. The chili did have a little beer in it but we discussed and determined all the alcohol gets cooked off. :)
Workouts this week:
Monday- Resistance Training. 3.11 mi in 28:41
Tuesday- Kickboxing
Wednesday- Resistance Training. Run -4 miles. 36:49 on the treadmill. This was a tempo run so I had to run 2 miles at 9:06. Running on a treadmill is so different. I feel like I go slower because I can't move up and down on speed at my own pace.
Thursday- Kickboxing
Friday- Resistance Training
Saturday- REST
Sunday- Run 8miles 1:13:30. I ran outside (because it was above negative! Yaaa!!) and worse some of those track dealies on my shoes- you know those rubber things you wrap around your shoes with spikes on them? They worked pretty good in the snow and slick areas. They are noisy though- it's like running in cleats. Felt good to get outside and breathe fresh air though!!
What have you been up to this week? How is the winter weather cramping your usual style?
Ugh, I was so hoping we could continue with the nice weather, but I guess we're due for a real Iowa winter. Hopefully it's quick and over by the end of February! ;)