I figured out it was the first week in about a month I worked 5 consecutive days. With Thanksgiving, then Christmas and New Year's my work weeks got abbreviated!
It did feel good to be back on a regular schedule. T was sick most of the week...but we did get to hang out over the weekend and it was lovely. As always. :)
1. I've been trying to wear all the items in my closet (as opposed to pushing them towards the back and then buying something new) and mix up all my existing pieces. This week I think some of these outfits might have been 'fails':
I liked this outfit, but for some reason every time I saw myself in the mirror all I could think of was Lydia (Winona Ryder) from Beetlejuice:
And this one was an obvious mistake...
I had at least 3 people ask me if I was riding a horse later. All I was missing was a riding crop and helmet. #fail.
Oh well, it was a clothes experiment!!
2. I'm sure you've seen this YouTube video as it was all over social media last week. But did you see this one? It makes me laugh. Honeybadger is a bada$$.
3. On Twitter last week, I found out about this website, Whole9life. I'm intrigued by their Whole 30 program. It's basically a Paleo diet- meaning focus on meat and vegetables. Some fruit, but no dairy and in the 30 day challenge they cut all grains, sugar and alcohol. Its pretty intense. They also cut all legumes....which for a vegetarian means we wouldn't be getting much of any protein.
I read their manifesto on why they cut legumes out of their diet and I'm not sure I'm on board. I think eating beans is probably safer for me than meat.
There is also a manifesto on grains I haven't read yet...I'm curious on the reasoning for that- besides gluten and all that jazz.
I read this conflicting blog as well.
So much information out there about nutrition- it's hard to figure out what is fact and what is fiction.
Either way, I like the idea of a 30 day 'reset' of some sort. I've been focusing on eating green but about once a week i have a day where all I want is bready foods and sugar. Trying to break myself of that!!
4. I've been seeing a lot of articles lately on the 20 hour work week. I'm not sure how financially that would work for everyone, but I like the idea of moving in that direction. It would be awesome to have more time to volunteer, spend with family, learn and relax. Do you think it's possible to adjust your life to live on half your salary?
5. I don't care if you love him or hate him. Tim Tebow is an example to all of us.
6. I saw these running accessories in Runner's World and I want them:
I really love the 'eat pray run repeat'
Just looking at this gets me pumped up. I RUN these towns.
7. On Saturday, I tried out yoga with my sister at Green House Yoga. It was awesome. I felt so relaxed and stretched out. Then really sore the next day! I also got some time to hang with this lady...and introduce her to the Ipad. It was funny to watch her reaction when she realized that when she touched the screen she could make things move. :) She was digging the Youtube videos of Bubbleguppies.
WORKOUTS:Monday: Run 2.02 miles 17:34
Tuesday: Kickboxing
Wednesday: 5.01 miles 44:53. Resistance Training
Thursday: Kickboxing
Friday: Resistance Training
Saturday: 7.10 miles 1:04:04, yoga
Sunday: 3.80 mile walk 1:05:22 (I forgot to start the watch for about 1/2 mile...so this was closer to 4.25 I'm guessing)
I had a run on the schedule for Friday but it was FREEZING. 40 mph winds. Just yucky. So I skipped it. I was supposed to run 8 Saturday morning as well, but I got started late and didn't want to be late to yoga. I did a 20 minute yoga in there somewhere too..but I can't remember which day.
All the runs felt pretty good. I can definitely tell I'm back to KB because the muscles around my hips are getting more defined again. I'm at happy balance with my workouts- at a schedule I can maintain.
How was your week? Are you on a regular exercise schedule? Love or Hate Tim Tebow? Think the Honeybadger is nasty? :)
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